First Day at Studio Annamora

So here is our post from the new space the lovely physio room at Studio Annamora
that will be hosting me every Thursday!
First day yesterday at Studio annamora! I would like to thank them for being so welcoming and helpful and providing me with this cosy place.
It took some time to make the physio room feel like home and adjust it to a more relaxing and fitting to SOMAnatomics practice space. So here are some before and after shots :)

I started dynamically with a few sessions and some of you experiencing the new place. It seems like it's going to be a productive year and I can't wait for you to come and join me in this new beginning! Can't wait to share with you tips and tricks about your body, help you alleviate pain and experience your life and your self with more awareness and less stress!
Please go and check the classes and beautiful work that they are doing at Studio Annamora
and make sure you come visit me :